Wellness Wednesdays – Running, Cardio and New Shoes

My Goal – 10k by November 30th

Hey Chicks,

The nice weather is finally here and this Chick is pumped!

I had a great weekend with old friends, new friends, lots of laughs and was excited to kick off my outdoor running. One of my fitness goals for 2011 is to run a 10km race (without walking) by November 30th.  Last year, I ran my first 5km with Team FIT CHICKS at the CIBC Run for the Cure and loved it so now I have upped the ante.

My personal intense cardio training

Currently,  I do a lot of running but is mostly high intensity interval training (short spurts of intense cardio followed by lower intensity for recovery).  This is how we also train in our boot camp classes with sequences like tabatas and it is awesome for increasing your cardiovascular strength and burns a ton of calories very quickly. I have great recovery time, but for long distance running it is a bit of a different ball game for me. I think my main challenge right now is the pacing. I have been chatting with some of the Chicks in class who do longer distance running so I will keep you posted on my tips and journey as I go –  but any tips would be greatly appreciated:)

Running shoe recommendations, anyone?

But first things first, I need new running shoes! The other day, I’d heard that there are many Types of flat foot, and so, I decided not to neglect this factor while getting some kicks, lest that they get worn betimes. Typically New Balance usually has my heart as running shoes of choice, but I have been scoping out the new Nikes and am torn.  If you think that getting a foot massage daily can be expensive, then just invest in a foot massager walmart. Leave me a comment with your recommendation!

Have a fab day!
