Tips for Toning Your Arms this Summer!

Hey Chicks!

We hope that you’re having a FABULOUS weekend!

It’s still winter out, but we just know that Summer is around the corner and that means tanktop season – eep! But not to worry, we have some ideas of how to get ready!

FIT CHICKS Guide to Awesome Arms

High Intensity Hottie Workout

Don’t forget that as members of our FIT CHICKS Bootcamp session, you have access to our 20-minute High Intensity Hottie workut video that will be sure to get those arms in tip-top shape! (Not a member? You can get a sneak peek here

Pedometer Challenge

The FIT CHICKS Pedometer Challenge is starting soon (April 4th!) and we are so pumped! The goal is to walk 10,000 steps a day which will burn approximately 500 calories. How do you incorporate the arms? Easy! Just add some hand weights and get walkin’, chick!

Pipes Challenge

We’ve teamed up with Morgan from Life After Bagels to offer prizing for the Pipes Challenge! It’s not too late to join the six-week challenge to increase your arm strength and be eligible for some sweet FIT CHICKS prizes!

FIT CHICKS Bootcamps

Either come join us for bootcamp, or use the moves you’ve learned in class! Here are some basic moves that will get you ready for summer! (Click the exercise to be linked to a visual demo if you’re not sure how to do these moves).
Do each for a minute and feel the burn!
1. Bicep Curls
2. Tricep Kickbacks
3. Shoulder Press
4. Alternate forward arm raises with lateral arm raises
5. Push-ups: an oldie but a goodie. 😉 Start on your toes, but move to your knees if you have to – just don’t give up, chick!
If you want to maximize your moves, include squats and lunges. Feeling really adventurous? Repeat the set!

Whew! We’re sweating just reading about it! What’s your fav arm workout?

Have a FAB day, chick!