Our New Site!

Hey chicks!

How was your first week at Bootcamp? We missed our chicks and are happy to be back, sweating up a storm with you! Here’s hoping those legs are as sore as ours! 😉

Over our holiday break, we were finalizing the touches on our website (You may have noticed she’s looking a lot snazzier lately) and we are super pumped to share this new design with you!

We owe major thanks to the incredible Marie Poulin who helped actualize our vision and create a chicktastic home for all that is FIT CHICKS.

So what’s different? Check-out is going to be less confusing, all our fab locations are easier to spot, and best of all…we now have a Member’s Only Page!

When you sign up for a bootcamp, you officially become a FAB FIT CHICKS Member! Why is this so exciting?
This is a spot for our chicks to access all their important materials – CHICK PACK, at-home workouts, a complete list of instructor/location detes for when you have that make-up class, and even special offers from other chicktastic places!

But possibly our fave part? The High Intensity Hottie Workout! This 20 min video will get your butt kicking with Head Chicks Amanda & Laura right in your living room!

We’re also incredibly excited that our fab chick Val Maloney featured us in Design Edge Canada. (So much good news to share!). Check out the article here: click me!

Want some help with your own website design? Check out Marie’s work at www.mariepoulin.com.