The Oxfam Trailwalker

TEAM FIT CHICKS – 100KM in 48 hours!

Take 4 fabulous chicks, stick them on a 100km hike, give them 2 days to do it and what do you get? The Oxfam Trailwalker!

So this is Laura, your Head Chick, and I just wanted to drop a few lines before we head away on our crazy adventure for the next few days!

Every year, I set myself a fitness goal. Something that is big and a little scary, that I know will push me outside of my comfort zone. Last December, Amanda (your other Head Chick) and I hiked to Machu Picchu in Peru. It was 42km over 4 days an

So this year, I thought I would up the anty. On July 23rd, TEAM FIT CHICKS (Amanda and 2 of our other FC Extraordinaires Steph and Jackie) are going to be trekking up a storm at the OXFAM Trailwalkers event. It is a 100km race in 48 hours!!! 100km..even saying it makes me sweat! We complete the race in teams of 4 and have to check in at each of 10 checkpoints together or we are disqualified 🙁 But that is not going to happen cuz our other goal is to win this race! The team who won last year did it in 20 hours (insert gulp!) and our team goal is to do it in 22!

And it is not only an awesome fitness goal for me but it is a fundraising event to raise bucks for international women’s rights and the fight againt poverty. Such a fab combo of working the bod, feeding the sould and giving back – my 3 fave things to do!


Please send us all your happy thoughts – we will def need it around 56km!!!! And keep your eyes peeled on Twitter and Facebook as we will be updating the whole way to keep ya posted as to how we are doing!

Plus, we will be video taping the whole way so you can see what it what actually like (and it may not be pretty!!)

What is your “pie in the sky “fitness goal? Think big, chicks – we have seen how strong you are every week in bootcamp so why not put it to the test!!

Have a FABULOUS day,

Laura xo