So I am still in recovery from our Oxfam Trailwalker! I tried to teach my GI JANE Bootcamp class last night on the Danforth and could barely squeeze these swollen boats into my runners. Thank goodness, I have a fierce group of chicks who also like to push themselves so I set up a killer partner circuit (which I have renamed “I wish I was at a Curves Circuit!”) and was able to teach without having to run around too much. These chicks were awesome! Bear crawls, dips with kicks, plank jumps, froggies – they didn’t slow down for a second and used their weights the whole time (one told me because if she did, she did not think she would be able to start again -lol).
What made me the happiest though was seeing what fabulous partners and support they were to their fellow chicks. It made me think of being on the Oxfam trail and the moments where I thought my body would give up. What kept me going was our fab team reminding me it was mind over matter and that I could do this. It was the same in last night’s. Every station I could hear them pumping each other up, high fiving as they reached the top of the hills and pushing each other during the last 10 sec of planks. Sometimes we forget how much easier it is to get through things, whether it be life, losing weight & getting fit, or reaching a crazy fitness goal like Oxfam, when we do it together as opposed to alone. I felt like a proud Mama Chick last night as I gimped along.
So my Head Chick advice for the day…a little luv and encouragement goes a long way so make sure to tell someone in your life just how chicktastic they are. It may sound cheesy but you will be surprised how much of an impact it will have (plus, it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside too!)
Tell a Chick you love them!
That said, I am back to icing these tootsies with Stephanie (we are taking turns taking care of each other as we are both still pretty banged up!) and am about to film an awesome product review that will be posted by the end of the week. Will it be “CHICK APPROVED”? Stay Tuned!
Laura xoxo