My Fave Veggies

Hey Chicks!!

I am really sick this week. Boo! So I haven’t been doing much cooking – but I have been making sure to get at least 10 a day in (mostly in the form of green smoothies!)

Tonight for din I decided to make my fave veggies – roasties! I chopped up a big bowl of beets, sweet potatoes, mushrooms, spinach and onions, tossed in a little olive oil, sprinkled with a little salt and pepper and baked in a 400 degree oven for about a half hour. When they were done, I tossed them in a cup of cooked quinoa for a fabulous dinner. Those were just the veggies I have – but you can use whatever – pepper, zuchinni, asparagus, squash, cherry tomatoes, bell peppers, carrots, parsnips….the list is endless!

roast any and every veggie you have!

roast any and every veggie you have!

What are your fave ways to cook veggies, Chicks??