Hey Chicks!!
Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Just busy with kids, work…blah, blah, blah.
Eating has been going great for the past couple of days. No late night noshing…yay me! And I’ve gotten all of my workouts in too.
I bought some elk meat last week at the Farmer’s Market. I’m going to cook it up tonight like a spaghetti sauce, and serve it over spaghetti squash…I’ll let you know how it is! I love spaghetti squash instead of pasta – in fact, I haven’t bought pasta for years. I’ve never been a huge fan, and it is just loaded with processed carbs and super high in calories. And it is SO easy to overeat it.

spaghetti squash - the new pasta!
Funny story – this morning my 2 1/2 year old daughter, Jayme comes up to me holding a spaghetti squash and says to me “Mommy, make me noodles please!” I was so happy! Not only did she say please without being asked, but she actually thinks that squash is where noodles come from! I’m sure they get pasta at daycare, but at our house it’s not on the menu. It’s really easy to teach your kids healthy habits – just set the example and start them young! BTW, I didn’t make her the squash since we were going out the door (and she had just eaten plain oats mixed with pumpkin and unsweetened apple sauce, plus an egg for brekkie!)
Anyway, Chicks, I will talk to you soon. Have a fab night!