Hey Chicks!!
I have to admit, I’m a bit of a dork – I just LOVE grocery shopping! During the month I regularly visit about 6 different stores – for good deals and different products. I love having my fridge, freezer and cupboards stocked – in fact, I feel a bit panicky if I am out of something I regularly use! lol
Yesterday I made my weekly Costco trip (though that needs to be cut down, as my freezer is about as full as it can get!) I wanted to share with you that I found these fabulous sausages by Janet and Greta – the Looneyspoons Ladies. I love supporting Canadian businesses, and I loved the fact that these were very clean for a packaged food (this busy Chick can’t make EVERYTHING from scratch!) and they taste SO delicious! I have a confession – I have yet to cook one, but I ate one cold right out of the package!!! They are pre-cooked, I’m not into the raw meat thing…lol…If you see them at the store, give them a try.
I also picked up this amazing new lunch tote. There is nothing like a fab lunch bag to inspire you to pack your clean eats for work everyday, and it’s great to be green!

Janet and Greta's Sausages - YUM!

My fab new lunch bag!
I feel like I have lost a couple of pounds. I haven’t been weighing myself. You’ll notice I haven’t been posting exactly what I have been eating every day. There is a reason for this. For me, writing down every little thing causes me to become a bit obsessed about the day being perfect and sometimes triggers me to overeat if I have had something bad just so I can start fresh with a “perfect” day tomorrow. I am really trying just to eat when I am hungry, drink when I am thirsty and make the best possible choices for me. I am hoping by sticking to whole, natural foods and eliminating sugar that my appetite will regulate itself. Since I haven’t had sugar for a while I have definitely stopped craving it.
Anyway, I am off out for lunch today. I am going to have a delicious salad and a glass of soda water with lemon to drink. Best to go into a restaurant with a game plan, otherwise you can easily get tempted by everything on the menu.
Have a great day, Chicks!!