A Fit Chick said to me….THROW OUT THE GOODIES!!!!
It’s been 3 days since Christmas now, and I hope all you Chicks had a fabulous time with friends and fam. But now it’s time to get back to reality and back to your healthy lifestyle. It’s time to get rid of all the Christmas food! Cookies, cakes, baked goods, chocolates, candies, pies, puddings….it all HAS TO GO!!! Sure, you can keep the rest of the turkey to use for healthy meals, but all the processed and baked foods needs to get out of your house. So bring the leftover treats to work, give them to friends, or if you don’t want to inflict temptation on your loved ones, toss them in the garbage.
Better in the trash than on your hips, Chicks!!
There’s still time to register for Toronto and Ottawa GI Jane Bootcamps! Start off the new decade on the right foot and finally get in shape! Click here for locations and to register.