A Fit Chick said to me….PLAN FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!!
It’s December, it’s cold and snowy and super easy to just blow off your fitness goals and indulge for the next month thinking you’ll just “start fresh” in January. Bad idea, Chicks!! This could lead to starting off 2010 up to ten pounds heavier than you are now!!
I’d never tell you not to indulge this time of year, since i definitely love to enjoy my share of choccies and baking, and more than a few glasses of vino! The best way to deal with the holidays is to have a plan. Get out your calendars, Chicks! Not to mark down all of your holiday parties, but to schedule in all of your workouts. This is a hectic time of year, and if you don’t make a concious effort to take care of yourself, you will probably forget about it.
If you aren’t already enrolled in GI Jane Bootcamp, pencil in at least 4 workouts a week on your calendar. If you took our bootcamp in the past, you’ll have plenty of at home workouts to choose from, or take a class at the gym, go for a walk or run, go skiing, skating….anything to get you active and get your heart pumping.
Staying active is one of the best ways of dealing with holiday weight gain and stress, so schedule in those workouts, Chicks, and stick to them!
Have a FABULOUS weekend!!