On the Fifth Day of Christmas….

A Fit Chick said to me….CHILL OUT!!!

It so easy to get worked up in all the holiday stress and drama, which isn’t good for your mind, or your waistline! It’s been shown that it’s difficult to shed the pounds when your bod is under a ton of stress, plus you tend to reach for the naughty munchies when you can’t deal!

I try to take some ME time everyday, and I suggest you do to. Even if it’s just having a bath, reading a woman-in-bath_001book, taking a yoga class or just sitting with a cup of green tea doing absolutely nothing!

So make sure that YOU are on your to-do list this holiday season. You’ll feel better and make better choices.

Have a great night, Chicks!

ps If you are in the Toronto or Ottawa area, the ultimate gift to yourself is a GI Jane Bootcamp session! This will ensure plenty of ME time every week with other fabulous Chicks. What are you waiting for, click here to sign up!