On the Eleventh Day of Christmas….

A Fit Chick said to me….REFLECT!!!

The holiday’s are pretty much over now, Chicks. It can be a downer that all the celebrating has come to an end, but I kinda like getting back into my normal routine and being able to focus on my health and fitness goals. So now it’s time to have a look back at the holiday season in relation to your diet and workouts. So Chicks, as yourself:

What worked for me?
Where do I need to improve for next time?

Congratulate yourself for every workout and healthy choice you made. This is most definitely a step in the right direction. As I said in a previous post, forgive yourself for the times you overate and didn’t get your workout in, but take it as a learning experience and plan better for next time.

There is still time to become a FIT CHICK in 2010! GI Jane Bootcamp classes are starting January 4 in Toronto and Ottawa! Click here for locations and registration info. http://www.fitchicks.ca/boot_camp_fitness_locations.php