On the Eighth Day of Christmas….

A Fit Chick said to me….HAVE A HEALTHY CHRISTMAS!!!

Easier said than done, right? Not so, Chicks! Even if you will be staying with family on Christmas Day and are surrounded by food, you can still stay in control! Here’s a few tips for handling the Christmas Day feasts…

1. Eat a healthy breakfast – I have said it a million times, but just cuz it’s a holiday, doesn’t mean you can’t start your day off right. Breakfast is an easy meal to eat healthfully, even if it’s at someone else’s home. No one is going to get offended if you only want an egg on whole grain toast for breakfast with some fruit.

2. Don’t get into the candy – Even now, in my thirties, my mom still wraps candy in my stocking. But that doesn’t mean it needs to be wolfed down during the present opening. Save it for later, or “accidentally” throw it out with the wrapping paper.

3. Decide what you REALLY want – Is it a few glasses of wine, a large helping of mashed potatoes, or a piece of Christmas pudding? Decide what you want the most, enjoy that and skimp on other things you really aren’t all that into. Don’t eat unhealthy food just for the sake of it.

4. Divide your plate – Xmas dinner can be healthy – roasted turkey breast is a great source of lean protein. Top it with a small (about a tbsp) of cranberry sauce instead of the fatty gravy. Fill a quarter of your plate with turkey, a quarter (or less) with starch (ie. potatoes, stuffing, yorkies) and load the rest with veggies (sans butter of course).

5. Don’t have seconds – You won’t starve! One plate of food is more than enough for any human being. Especially when dessert is soon to follow…

6. Keep other meals healthy – If you had Christmas Dinner as your main meal, keep the lunch light and an evening snack clean as well.

7. Try and get a bit of movement in
– a walk, a snowball fight, playing outside with the kids or even on the Wii.

Have a very healthy Christmas, Chicks!!

There is no better Christmas gift to yourself than the gift of health and fitness! Sign up for one of our Toronto or Ottawa GI Jane Bootcamps today!